CRIME/MYSTERY Festival 1st Scene Reading: Avarice, by Mike Meier

The internet company “Tolkoya” was set up by the maverick CEO Vasili Romanov with an ulterior purpose–to influence the entire population. All begins to unravel when a journalist, Mirko van Aspern, searches for the next big story and begins to follow a presidential candidate. Mirko gets help from Malene Eriksen, a former employee who is… Continue reading CRIME/MYSTERY Festival 1st Scene Reading: Avarice, by Mike Meier


Festival Award Winners: Best Fan Fiction Film: LAUNDRY DAY Best Cinematography: STEGOSAURUS Best Performances: IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE: A JAMES BOND FAN FILM Best Sound & Music: SURPRISE ROBBERY Best Direction: BUTTERFLY Best Crime Film: 777 Best Action Film: CRAFT Watch the Audience Feedback Videos for each film: STEGOSAURUS (Jurassic Park), 9min., UK,… Continue reading HIGHLIGHTS & VIDEOS: DECEMBER 2021 CRIME/MYSTERY Film Festival