Director BIO: Christopher Ryan Laughter (SNOW GLOBE)

Christopher Ryan Laughter is a filmmaker from Houston, Texas who currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He learned how to tell stories through documentary filmmaking and music videos, his short films are regularly programmed into genre film festivals around the United States and his commissioned projects have been seen by many millions of eyeballs around… Continue reading Director BIO: Christopher Ryan Laughter (SNOW GLOBE)

Short Film: SNOW GLOBE, 8min., Dark Drama

A fed up housewife at the edge of reality is planning to murder her husband on Christmas Eve, but when three questionable packages arrive under her tree she must confront her intentions through a magical exploration of time and perspective. Project Links  Website

Director BIO: Alan Hamwan (A MARTYR OF THE PEN)

I’m a Kurdish British film producer based in Liverpool, I have several short films credits, currently in my first feature film pre-production. Director Statement My interest in filmmaking dates back to my childhood. I graduated MA in film producing, University of South Wales, UK, in 2010. As I worked closely with the Producer, I have… Continue reading Director BIO: Alan Hamwan (A MARTYR OF THE PEN)

Short Film: A MARTYR OF THE PEN, 10min., UK, Thriller

A freelance journalist has been kidnapped and thrown in the boot of a car. Only the flare of his lighter can illuminate his claustrophobic prison in this speeding car. He searches desperately for any way he can escape. With time running out and hope almost lost, he will indeed be making an example, but maybe… Continue reading Short Film: A MARTYR OF THE PEN, 10min., UK, Thriller

Director BIO: Ryan Osmond (THE GHOUL)

Ryan Osmond is an experienced Director, Assistant Director and Producer. Driven by a passion for injecting life and vision into a story and creating an immersive experience for the audience. He takes pride in providing a professional and quality experience across the entire project. With more than 15 years’ experience across multiple job rolls within… Continue reading Director BIO: Ryan Osmond (THE GHOUL)